Principles of division

Classification of objects (or concepts) are based on properties or attributes of those objects. Some properties of those objects are chosen as the basis for the classification. For example, in historical literature may the places, persons and times be chosen as properties of subjects to classify historical literature. Those properties selected are the principles of division used in the classification system.


"The order of importance of attributes is called citation order. Properties which are scattered by the citation order are called distributed relatives" (Broughton, 2004, p. 11).






Broughton, V. (2004). Essential classification. London: Facet publishing.


Hulme, E. W.  (1911b).  Principles of Book Classification: Chapter II - Principles of Division in Book Classification. Library Association Record, 1911; 13: 389-394.


Mills, J. (2004). Faceted classification and logical division in information retrieval. Library Trends, 52(3), 541-570.




Birger Hjørland

Last edited: 21-07-2006