



The major subfields of mathematics is displayed in the table of contents of Fowler (2004):


"Why multiple taxonomies? As a first cut, we tried to find a taxonomy that reflects the notions of generalization and specialization within mathematics. In experiments done before the meeting, and in discussions during the meeting, it became clear that disparities in vocabulary usage among different levels of mathematics made a universal taxonomy impractical. The assumptions made by someone searching in the realm of research mathematics and someone searching in the context of a precalculus course are remarkably different, and the same vocabulary means far different things. Not only do words change their meaning as the level of mathematics changes (think of the word "sequence" and what it means to a middle school teacher, in Calculus, in Number Theory, or in homological algebra) but so can the relationships among subjects within mathematics."





Fowler , K. K. (Ed.). (2004). Using the Mathematics Literature. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Mills, J. and Broughton, V. (1993). Bliss bibliographic classification. 2nd ed. Class AM/AX: Mathematics, Probability and Statistics. London: Bowker-Saur .

Rusin, D. (2002). The Mathematical Atlas.



Birger Hjørland

Last edited: 17-05-2007