
In Encyclopædia Britannica there is a lengthy treatment of the classification of religions (Adams, 1994). The article discuss normative principles of classification, geographical criteria, ethnographic-linguistic principles, philosophical principles, morphological criteria, phenomenological principles, among others and it concludes:



With such criteria in mind it should be possible continuously to construct classification schemes that illuminate man's religious history” (Adams, 1994; bullets added).






Adams, C. J. (1994). The study and classification of religions. Encyclopedia Britannica. Chicago, Illinois: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.


Mills, J. & Broughton, V. (1977): Bliss Bibliographical Classification. 2. ed. Class P: Religion. London: Butter­worth.


Graarup, K. (2003). Religionsvidenskab, klassifikation og kontekst. Biblioteksarbejde, 23(65), 21-33.


Graarup, K. (2005).Classification of religious literature: Some thoughts on the dilemmas of universalism. IN: New Frontiers in Public Library Research. Ed. By Carl Gustav Johannsen & Leif Kajberg. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. 




Birger Hjørland

Last edited: 04-09-2006